The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Supervisor with Township Board approval. One member of the Township Board shall be a Planning Commission member. Members must be qualified Township electors. The basic function of the Planning Commission is to make and adopt a plan for the Township’s land use and development. This master plan should include maps, charts and descriptive material. The Planning Commission is required to review any plats or subdivisions and make a recommendation prior to Township Board action. The Commission also conducts public hearings and advises the Township Board regarding establishing and amending the Township Zoning Ordinances which establish land development regulations, land development districts and zones. Zoning ordinances typically regulate such elements as land use, building height, bulk, lot area, setbacks, parking, signs and density. Commissioners serve three year terms.
Current Members |
Term Expires |
Chairman: Randy Kortering | 12/31/2024 |
Vice-Chair/Secretary: Jack Vander Meulen | 12/31/2026 |
Commissioner: Russ TeSlaa, Township Board Trustee | 12/31/2026 |
Commissioner: Leo Barajas | 12/31/2024 |
Commissioner: Doug Becker | 12/31/2025 |
Commissioner: Angela Huesman | 12/31/2026 |
Commissioner: Evan Sharp | 12/31/2024 |