AREA: 28.7 square miles
FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Founded and established as Township in 1847
Incorporated as Charter Township in 1968
7-member elected Board of Trustees
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 40 full-time; 200 part-time (including fire fighters, election workers, park maintenance workers, recreation programs, and code enforcement inspectors)
FIRE PROTECTION: 3 fire stations
36 part-paid fire fighters (including 17 MFR, 9 EMT, 1 PMT)
8 fire fighting vehicles, 1 rescue vehicle
PROPERTY TAX PARCELS: Number of Property Tax Parcels
Real property: 12,743
Personal property: 1,529
Total tax parcels: 14,455 (includes IFT abated parcels)
WATER UTILITY: Customer Accounts
Residential: 13,173
Commercial: 2,323
Industrial: 297
Other: 109
Total Water Customer Accounts: 15,902
Gallons purchased: 3,115,379,000
Revenues from sales: $9,048,577
Residential: 12,477
Commercial: 1,697
Industrial: 184
Other: 71
Total Wastewater Customer Accounts: 14,426
Gallons treated: 1,755,476,000
Revenues from user charges: $7,418,197
PARKS & RECREATION: Beechwood Park (3.5 acres)
Brookwood Park (1 acre)
Dunton Park (21 acres)
Hawthorn Pond Natural Area (40 acres)
Helder Park & Dog Park (159 acres, including 69 acres of vacant land)
Quincy Park & Dog Park (133 acres, including 69 acres of vacant land)
CEMETERIES: New Groningen Cemetery (1.3 acres)
North Holland Cemetery (5.2 acres)
BIKE PATHS & SIDEWALKS: 68 miles of bike paths and sidewalks
POPULATION GROWTH: Official United States Census

1970 10,991
1980 13,739
1990 17,523
2000 28,911
2010 35,636
2020    38,276